Future of Home Lab featured by CMHC and the National Housing Strategy
We’re proud to have the Future of Home Lab, an initiative out of Skills Society Action Lab, featured by CMHC and the National Housing Strategy. In the feature story, self advocate Levi Lawton (pictured above) shares his experiences seeking housing that is…
Approaching Advocacy: A Framework for Utilizing Your Advocacy Expertise
Each year, through the University of Alberta Community Service-Learning (CSL) Non-profit Board Internship Program, Skills Society invites students to intern with the Skills board, and as part of the internship program students complete a project to support board…
Board Chair and Treasurer 2021 AGM Report
A Year Like No Other 2020-2021 was a year like no other the Skills Society has ever experienced. The global COVID pandemic presented unrelenting daily challenges, large and small, for every member of the Skills Society family. Keeping everyone safe and well was the…
Donna Debolt FASD Training
Do you support, know, or love someone with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder? We are excited to share an upcoming learning opportunity for parents and caregivers, professionals, supports, and community partners. The wonderful Donna Debolt will be facilitating a 2-day…
Shaking Up Our Thinking at Skills Illustrated
New staff came together for the November edition of Skills Illustrated, an all day course that introduces Skills Society’s mission, vision, and values. This foundational course is designed to ‘shake up’ people’s thinking when it comes to what a…