We’re participating in the 10th annual Giving Tuesday!
You may have heard of Giving Tuesday - a global day of giving that marks the ‘unofficial’ start of giving season across Canada. Giving Tuesday has become a special day for Canadians to donate their time, resources and talents to make an impact in their communities. This year we’re asking you to consider a Giving Tuesday donation to Skills Society. Your donation will support the meaningful inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in our community.
New mini-documentary shares the history & legacy of The Rights We Want!
In collaboration with members of the original 1995 Rights We Want! group, allies, and self-advocates from within Skills Society, we have created a mini-documentary to capture and share the history of the document and disability rights.
Skills Society Picnic 2022
On June 11th, the Skills Society Community - people we serve, staff, board members, volunteers, and their families - gathered at Laurier Park for a picnic. It was a wonderful afternoon of connecting that included lawn games, food, music, and lot's of laughter.
We Are Skills Society 2022 AGM Report
We are one of the largest disability service organizations in the Edmonton area. For 40 years we have provided individualized support services to people with developmental disabilities, their families, and the communities in which they live. Our work is complex but our goal is simple: help people with disabilities live safe, dignified and meaningful lives…
Fund Development at Skills Society 2022 AGM Report
Hi I’m Carmen Norris and I’ve been a member of the Skills Society board for 5 years. In more recent years, I’ve been part of the fund development committee where we’ve been working to move the needle on Skills Society’s strategic priority to increase financial resiliency. As you might remember from last year’s fund development report, we have been exploring and seeking to better understand the difference between fundraising and fund development
Wage issues in the sector and impact
“When Do We Get A Raise?” This is a question employees in disability services across the province and all of us have all been asking since our last funding/pay increase from the Government of Alberta in 2014. To bring clarity and help dispel myths, and misinformation we wanted to share…
Board Chair and Treasurer Report 2021-2022
For the second straight year, people supported by the Skills Society, their families, allies and the Skills Society team (employees and board) lived and worked within the evolving context of the COVID pandemic. Vaccines were introduced, public health restrictions and measures were implemented, later relaxed, then reinstated as hospitalizations…
Executive Director Report 2021-2022
Good enough isn’t enough: never settling - striving for the ‘good life’
On behalf of the Skills Society team, I’m pleased to share our 41st Annual AGM Report with you. As we reflect on the incredible history of this organization, I think it’s fair to say the last few years have been some of our most tumultuous.
Future of Home Lab featured by CMHC and the National Housing Strategy
We’re proud to have the Future of Home Lab, an initiative out of Skills Society Action Lab, featured by CMHC and the National Housing Strategy. In the feature story, self advocate Levi Lawton (pictured above) shares his experiences seeking housing that is…
"Essential but Forgotten" Campaign in support of Community Disability Service Workers
To: People we Support, Families, Guardians, and Skills Society Employees RE: “Essential but Forgotten” Campaign in support of Community Disability Service Workers From: Skills Society Senior Leadership March 7, 2022 Message from ADWA “Alberta’s Community…
Learning About & Celebrating Black History Month
To: People we Support, Families, Guardians, and Skills Society Employees RE: Learning About & Celebrating Black History Month From: Skills Society Leadership February 18, 2022 A Message from Skills Society Executive Director, Ben Weinlick
COVID-19 Update January 11th, 2022
Memo to: People we Support, Families, Guardians and Skills Society Employees Re: Prevention and Preparedness Regarding the Novel-Corona Virus (COVID-19) From: Senior Leadership of Skills Society January 11, 2022 Current COVID-19 Cases in Alberta and at Skills Society…
Have Your Say - Alberta Government 2022 Budget Survey & Telephone Town Halls
The Government of Alberta wants to hear from Albertans as it plans budget 2022. You can give your input by filling in the survey online at Budget 2022 Survey or through a telephone town hall with Finance Minister Travis Toews (participation details to be announced in…
Stay Safe and Best Wishes for the Holidays
Memo to: People we Support, Families, Guardians, and Skill Society Employees Re: Stay Safe and Best Wishes for the Holidays From: Executive Director and Senior Leadership of Skills Society December 21, 2021 Message from Executive Director, Ben Weinlick
Petition to the Government of Canada for the Canada Disability Benefit
Disability Without Poverty has initiated a new petition to the Government of Canada to keep the Canada Disability Benefit as a national priority. Petition Details: Petition to the Government of Canada Whereas: Poverty is exhausting and intrudes on all aspects of your…
Giving Tuesday November 30th
Hello Friends of Skills Society! This year Skills Society is participating in Giving Tuesday – a global day of giving that marks the ‘unofficial’ start of giving season across Canada. On Tuesday, November 30th we’re asking you to consider a Giving Tuesday
Shift to Action - A Guide to Bystander Intervention
We are pleased to share a pilot of a prototype developed by one of four community teams that were part of Shift Lab 2.0 Shift Lab was a five year partnership between our Action Lab Social enterprise and the Edmonton Community Foundation and aimed to co-create…
Thank You Casino Volunteers!
A BIG thank-you to all the volunteers who committed their time on October 28th and 29th to help make Skills Society’s casino fundraiser a success! Casino fundraisers generate important funds in support of the work we do to support the citizenship of people with…
Follow Up Materials - National Day for Truth & Reconciliation Event Hosted by Naheyawin
Thank you to everyone who joined us on September 30th for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation event hosted by Naheyawin. Our sincere gratitude to Hunter Cardinal and Naheyawin for deepening our knowledge in the origin and purpose of National Day for Truth…
Alberta Government Asks Service Providers to Implement Vaccination Policies
Letter from the Alberta Government encouraging COVID-19 vaccination policies for employees On October 13th, 2021 the Minister of Community and Social Services (CSS), Jason Luan, and the Minister of Health, Jason Copping, wrote a letter to CSS stakeholders asking…