Future of Home Lab featured by CMHC and the National Housing Strategy
We’re proud to have the Future of Home Lab, an initiative out of Skills Society Action Lab, featured by CMHC and the National Housing Strategy. In the feature story, self advocate Levi Lawton (pictured above) shares his experiences seeking housing that is…
The Future of Home Lab: What We're Learning 2021 AGM Report
In our Future of Home: Inclusive Housing Solutions Lab, we have partnered with Inclusion Alberta, Civida (formerly Capital Region Housing), and Homeward Trust to explore affordable and accessible housing solutions that…
Approaching Advocacy: A Framework for Utilizing Your Advocacy Expertise
Each year, through the University of Alberta Community Service-Learning (CSL) Non-profit Board Internship Program, Skills Society invites students to intern with the Skills board, and as part of the internship program students complete a project to support board…
Key Milestones Timeline in Disability Rights and Service
For our 2019 AGM to learn from and remember our history, we created a timeline of key learning milestones from Skills Society and the Disability community in Alberta over the last 50 years.