Submit a Message or Photo for the AGM
Image of text. Leaning into what really matters
We need your help to make our online Annual General Meeting extra special this year!
We are looking for the people we support, family members, and staff to send in pictures around this year’s AGM theme: leaning into what really matters. All the pictures we get will be put together to make a slideshow. We will show the slideshow at the Annual General Meeting taking place online on June 28, 2021 at 6pm.
Instructions - How to participate
Think of a message or picture you want to share with the Skills community around the theme of leaning into what really matters. This might be something that is really important to you or you deeply value. Or it could be something you have been grateful for during these challenging times.
Option 1: Message or Drawing:
Write and/or draw your message on a piece of paper. You might also decorate your message so it is a beautiful piece of art! Feel free to get creative in this step!
Take a picture of yourself holding the message. Or take a picture of just the message (if you don’t want to be in the photo).
Option 2: Photo
Take or share a photo that represents something that matters to you.
If you are someone we support - check in with your staff to make sure you have a signed photo consent form. If you don’t, work with your support to complete the photo consent form (can be found on the Skills Employee section of the website).
Send the picture to by June 14th, 2021 and let her know you completed the consent form.
Tune into the AGM on June 28th, 2021 at 6pm to see your picture as part of the slideshow!
A couple things to keep in mind
These pictures will be shared at the Skills Society Annual General Meeting. This means lots of people will see them. Make sure you are comfortable sharing what you put in the picture.
If you choose to share a message, make sure you write your message big enough that people can see it. You might choose to use poster paper or tape multiple pieces of paper together to make it bigger. You might also use paint or thick markers to write your message.
You can decide if you want to be in the picture or not. If you don’t want to be in the picture just take a picture of your message!
Feel free to be in touch with Rebecca Rubuliak, Senior Leader of Research and Social Innovation at if you have questions.
We look forward to seeing your pictures!